
05 January 2024
LiteManager 5.1 for Linux, Mac OS, Android with inbuilt LM Server and NOIP.
Control remotely your Linux and Mac, available remote screen and files modes. Android screen in view only mode.
Built-in NOIP for Linux.

05 August 2022
LiteManager update 5
NOIP authorization on LM Server. (NOIP as the central authorization server)
Managing LM Server settings on NOIP. (SSC NOIP)

21 October 2021
A new website design
Litemanager — remote support software

31 May 2015
LiteManager remote access tools
Free remote access over the Internet with IP or ID connection. QuickSupport mode works without installation for Windows. Demonstration and online Presentation.

Callback connection

Callback connection is intended for the LiteManager server module to initiate the connection with the administrator's client module Viewer itself. All control functions are left on the client module.

This function is useful when only the client module has permanent white IP address.

By default, the client module cannot receive a callback connection, so that you should allow reception of callback connections.

Settings return connection Viewer

Open program options. Under the Callback tab, allow reception of callback connections.

Allow incoming connections

The client module Viewer is ready to receive callback connections from the server module.

Create callback connection on the server side.
Open the Callback connection window from the context menu of the server icon.

Open the back connections to the server

Add new connection to Viewer in the Callback connection window. You can do this using Add connection command from the main or context menu.

Add a new connection back

In the opened window, enter the IP address of the client module, arbitrary name and text that is displayed when the connection is initialized.

New connection back

Now connect callback using connect command.


The message about incoming callback connection will appear on the client side, receive it by clicking the message.

Message about the incoming connections back

The window for incoming connections

In the window opened for the new connection, it is sufficient to give it a name.

Information about the connection back

After that the new connection established with the use of callback connection will be added to the main list and a green arrow will appear at the top-right corner of the icon.

connection is created

Additional help information

Callback connection