
30 August 2024
LiteManager 5.2 Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication (authorization) on the LM server using an LM code via email, via your personal SMTP server. New console app for Linux (daemon).

05 August 2022
LiteManager update 5
NOIP authorization on LM Server. (NOIP as the central authorization server)
Managing LM Server settings on NOIP. (SSC NOIP)

21 October 2021
A new website design
Litemanager — remote support software

31 May 2015
LiteManager remote access tools
Free remote access over the Internet with IP or ID connection. QuickSupport mode works without installation for Windows. Demonstration and online Presentation.

Command line parameters

For ROM-Viewer

Basic parameters:

  • /name:<connection_name> — the name of the connection to open in the corresponding mode.
  • /password:<password> — the password for access to the remote server. If the password is not specified explicitly, it is taken from the connection properties.
  • /USERNAME:<user_name> — for authorization with login and password.
  • /CAPTIONNAME:<caption_name> — when you create a new contact, you can separately specify a visible name of contacts that it would have been different from IP or ID address. You can specify any convenient string.

Connection modes:

  • /FULLCONTROL — controlling the mouse and keyboard of the remote computer.
  • /VIEWONLY — viewing the remote computer screen.
  • /FTP — file manager. (advanced /FTPACTION:<DOWNLOAD> or <UPLOAD>, files path /FTPLOCAL:<local_path>, /FTPREMOTE:<remote_path>)
  • /SHUTDOWN — restarting, shutting down, logging off and locking the computer (specific parameters: /RESTART, /POWEROFF, /SWITCHOFF, /LOCK, /WAKEONLAN, /MONITOROFF, /MONITORON, /HIBERNATION, /SAFEBOOT).
  • /TASKMANAGER — task manager.
  • /REMOTEEXECUTE — running programs remotely (specific parameters: /FILENAME:<program_name>, /HIDDEN, /RUNASCURRENTUSER, /RUNASUSER + /RUNUSERNAME:<user_name> + /RUNUSERPASS:<password> + /RUNUSERDOMAIN:<domain>).
  • /TELNET — terminal. (/TEXT:<cmd>)
  • /DEVICEMANAGER — device manager. (Auto report saved to file /SAVEREPORTPATH:<file_path>, file format /REPTYPE:<html> or <csv> -  if you do not specify a file type it is saved in<xml> type
  • /RDP — Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol connection. (/RDPHOST:<ip> - target host IP, through this RDP connection.)
  • /CHAT — text chat.
  • /SCREENRECORD — making screenshots according to schedule. (/SR_START, /SR_STOP)
  • /SEND_MESSAGE — sending a plain text message. (/TEXT:<message>, /ALLSESSIONS:<all>, /TEXTMODE:<Standard>)
  • /REGEDIT — Registry Editor. (/CMD:<> /Path:<> /V:<> /T:<> /D:<>.)
  • /AVCHAT — audio and video chat.
  • /AUTORIZATION — authorization.
  • /WOL — function wake on LAN.
  • /EXIT — the completion of the program.
  • /CLOSEAFTERFULLCONTROL — completion of the program after the completion of the session control or view.
  • /DEMONSTRATION — demonstration.
  • /SCREENSHOT: <Path+file_name> — create screenshot of a connection, example /SCREENSHOT:"С:\1.png". Supported formats bmp, jpg, png.
  • /LOGOFF — cancel authorization.
  • /DELETECONNECTION — delete connection.

Additional parameters for the Viewer.

  • /KEY: <License_Key> — license key for the program, the key will be used in the License Manager but it will not be displayed.
  • /NOIPID: <ID_dlya_soedineniya_po_ID> — ID compounds used for the connection of ID, if the connection with the given ID does not, it creates a new one.
  • /NOIPIP: <IP_adres_NOIP> — IP address of your NOIP.
  • /NOIPPORT: <Port_NOIP> — Port address of your NOIP.
  • /LANG: <RU_EN> — language.
  • /ECONOMYMODE — economy mode.
  • /HIDEINTERFACE — hide viewer main window.
  • /LOCKONDISCONNECT — lock remote PC on disconnect.
  • /COLORDEPTH: <16> — pixel format 1, 4, 8 to 32.
  • /IDENTUSERNAME: <user_name> — substitute the system user name.
  • /IDENTCOMPNAME: <comp_name> — substitute the computer name.
  • /NOIPPIN: <PIN> - PIN for connection by ID.
  • /IDENTUSERINFO: <text> - additional user information.
  • /IDENTCOMPANY: <text> - company name.
  • /DISABLEMODE: <mode_type> - prohibition of connection modes, example /DISABLEMODE:7 prohibit Execute mode on Viewer. (Modes: Full control/ViewOnly 1/2, File manager 3, Shutdown 5, Task manager 6, Execute 7, Terminal 8, Device manager 9, RDP 10, Chat 11, Screen recorder 12, Send message 13, Registry editor 15, Audio-video chat 16, Demonstration 17). Disable several modes possible with comma delimiter, for example lock remote desktop modes /DISABLEMODE:1,2 .
  • /CASCADEHOST: <HOST> - cascade host. /CASCADEPASS: <password> - password for cascade host. /CASCADEUSERNAME: <user_name>.
  • /NOIPPROTECTCODE: <code>  - Protect code for connection by ID. Set 0 to disable the option.
  • /PINSESSIONNAME:<session_name> - pin the session to the connection.

Additional settings for /FTP, /FTPACTION:<DOWNLOAD> or <UPLOAD>, /FTPLOCAL:<file_path>, /FTPREMOTE:<file_path>



Establishing a connection named «XP» in the mode of controlling the mouse and keyboard

ROMViewer.exe /name:XP /password:123456789 /fullcontrol
Starting the calculator with the password taken from the connection properties (the «Save password» option must be enabled)

ROMViewer.exe /name:XP /remoteexecute /filename:calc.exe

Starting and creating a new connection as the name specify the IP or NETBIOS name, and optionally specify the port / port: if it is different from the default port.

ROMViewer.exe /name: / port:7777 /fullcontrol

For Server

  • /silentinstall — install the service.
  • /silentuninstall — uninstall the service.
  • /firewall — integrate with the Windows XP/Vista/7 system firewall.
  • /start — start the server. (/port:<port_number>)
  • /stop — stop the server.
  • /config — open the settings window.
  • /compact — a compact mode of the server is started, the startup mode from removable media, the program automatically installs and runs as a service.
  • /userstop — stopping the server is running correctly with limited user rights is as a normal application.
  • /showconnectbyid — open a connection ID at startup.
  • /HIDETRAY — to hide the icon in the tray.
  • /PASSWORD:<password> — The password for the server..
  • /ID:<ID> — ID for the connection ID.
  • /NOIPIP:<IP> — IP address of your NOIP.
  • /NOIPPORT:<port> — port of your NOIP, unless the port is taken by default.
  • /RESTART — restart LM server.
  • /NOIPPIN:<PIN> - PIN for connection by ID.
  • /REGCLEAR - clear registry keys with settings of the LM Server.

The secret key in the registry, in the server settings ExpandSettings = 1, allows to reveal the server settings, so each setting will be stored separately. (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\LiteManager\v3.4\Server\Parameters)

for NoIP

  • /start — start the service.
  • /stop — stop the service.
  • /silentinstall — to establish service.
  • /silentuninstall — delete the service.

Server commands must be executed only as an administrator.