Command line parameters
For ROM-Viewer
Basic parameters:
- /name:<connection_name> — the name of the connection to open in the corresponding mode.
- /password:<password> — the password for access to the remote server. If the password is not specified explicitly, it is taken from the connection properties.
- /USERNAME:<user_name> — for authorization with login and password.
- /CAPTIONNAME:<caption_name> — when you create a new contact, you can separately specify a visible name of contacts that it would have been different from IP or ID address. You can specify any convenient string.
Connection modes:
- /FULLCONTROL — controlling the mouse and keyboard of the remote computer.
- /VIEWONLY — viewing the remote computer screen.
- /FTP — file manager. (advanced /FTPACTION:<DOWNLOAD> or <UPLOAD>, files path /FTPLOCAL:<local_path>, /FTPREMOTE:<remote_path>)
- /SHUTDOWN — restarting, shutting down, logging off and locking the computer (specific parameters: /RESTART, /POWEROFF, /SWITCHOFF, /LOCK, /WAKEONLAN, /MONITOROFF, /MONITORON, /HIBERNATION, /SAFEBOOT).
- /TASKMANAGER — task manager.
- /REMOTEEXECUTE — running programs remotely (specific parameters: /FILENAME:<program_name>, /HIDDEN, /RUNASCURRENTUSER, /RUNASUSER + /RUNUSERNAME:<user_name> + /RUNUSERPASS:<password> + /RUNUSERDOMAIN:<domain>).
- /TELNET — terminal. (/TEXT:<cmd>)
- /DEVICEMANAGER — device manager. (Auto report saved to file /SAVEREPORTPATH:<file_path>, file format /REPTYPE:<html> or <csv> - if you do not specify a file type it is saved in<xml> type
- /RDP — Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol connection. (/RDPHOST:<ip> - target host IP, through this RDP connection.)
- /CHAT — text chat.
- /SCREENRECORD — making screenshots according to schedule. (/SR_START, /SR_STOP)
- /SEND_MESSAGE — sending a plain text message. (/TEXT:<message>, /ALLSESSIONS:<all>, /TEXTMODE:<Standard>)
- /REGEDIT — Registry Editor. (/CMD:<> /Path:<> /V:<> /T:<> /D:<>.)
- /AVCHAT — audio and video chat.
- /AUTORIZATION — authorization.
- /WOL — function wake on LAN.
- /EXIT — the completion of the program.
- /CLOSEAFTERFULLCONTROL — completion of the program after the completion of the session control or view.
- /DEMONSTRATION — demonstration.
- /SCREENSHOT: <Path+file_name> — create screenshot of a connection, example /SCREENSHOT:"С:\1.png". Supported formats bmp, jpg, png.
- /LOGOFF — cancel authorization.
- /DELETECONNECTION — delete connection.
Additional parameters for the Viewer.
- /KEY: <License_Key> — license key for the program, the key will be used in the License Manager but it will not be displayed.
- /NOIPID: <ID_dlya_soedineniya_po_ID> — ID compounds used for the connection of ID, if the connection with the given ID does not, it creates a new one.
- /NOIPIP: <IP_adres_NOIP> — IP address of your NOIP.
- /NOIPPORT: <Port_NOIP> — Port address of your NOIP.
- /LANG: <RU_EN> — language.
- /ECONOMYMODE — economy mode.
- /HIDEINTERFACE — hide viewer main window.
- /LOCKONDISCONNECT — lock remote PC on disconnect.
- /COLORDEPTH: <16> — pixel format 1, 4, 8 to 32.
- /IDENTUSERNAME: <user_name> — substitute the system user name.
- /IDENTCOMPNAME: <comp_name> — substitute the computer name.
- /NOIPPIN: <PIN> - PIN for connection by ID.
- /IDENTUSERINFO: <text> - additional user information.
- /IDENTCOMPANY: <text> - company name.
- /DISABLEMODE: <mode_type> - prohibition of connection modes, example /DISABLEMODE:7 prohibit Execute mode on Viewer. (Modes: Full control/ViewOnly 1/2, File manager 3, Shutdown 5, Task manager 6, Execute 7, Terminal 8, Device manager 9, RDP 10, Chat 11, Screen recorder 12, Send message 13, Registry editor 15, Audio-video chat 16, Demonstration 17). Disable several modes possible with comma delimiter, for example lock remote desktop modes /DISABLEMODE:1,2 .
- /CASCADEHOST: <HOST> - cascade host. /CASCADEPASS: <password> - password for cascade host. /CASCADEUSERNAME: <user_name>.
- /NOIPPROTECTCODE: <code> - Protect code for connection by ID. Set 0 to disable the option.
- /PINSESSIONNAME:<session_name> - pin the session to the connection.
Additional settings for /FTP, /FTPACTION:<DOWNLOAD> or <UPLOAD>, /FTPLOCAL:<file_path>, /FTPREMOTE:<file_path>
Establishing a connection named «XP» in the mode of controlling the mouse and keyboard
ROMViewer.exe /name:XP /password:123456789 /fullcontrol
Starting the calculator with the password taken from the connection properties (the «Save password» option must be enabled)
ROMViewer.exe /name:XP /remoteexecute /filename:calc.exe
Starting and creating a new connection as the name specify the IP or NETBIOS name, and optionally specify the port / port: if it is different from the default port.
ROMViewer.exe /name: / port:7777 /fullcontrol
For Server
- /silentinstall — install the service.
- /silentuninstall — uninstall the service.
- /firewall — integrate with the Windows XP/Vista/7 system firewall.
- /start — start the server. (/port:<port_number>)
- /stop — stop the server.
- /config — open the settings window.
- /compact — a compact mode of the server is started, the startup mode from removable media, the program automatically installs and runs as a service.
- /userstop — stopping the server is running correctly with limited user rights is as a normal application.
- /showconnectbyid — open a connection ID at startup.
- /HIDETRAY — to hide the icon in the tray.
- /PASSWORD:<password> — The password for the server..
- /ID:<ID> — ID for the connection ID.
- /NOIPIP:<IP> — IP address of your NOIP.
- /NOIPPORT:<port> — port of your NOIP, unless the port is taken by default.
- /RESTART — restart LM server.
- /NOIPPIN:<PIN> - PIN for connection by ID.
- /REGCLEAR - clear registry keys with settings of the LM Server.
The secret key in the registry, in the server settings ExpandSettings = 1, allows to reveal the server settings, so each setting will be stored separately. (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\LiteManager\v3.4\Server\Parameters)
for NoIP
- /start — start the service.
- /stop — stop the service.
- /silentinstall — to establish service.
- /silentuninstall — delete the service.
Server commands must be executed only as an administrator.