This type of security allows for automatic authorization for NOIP users on LM Servers, i.e. when working through an ID connection and an enabled Personal Account on NOIP, viewers connected under a certain NOIP account will have automatic access to certain LM servers.
To do this, on the NOIP in the personal account of those accounts who will be allowed automatic authorization on the LM Server, enable the option to Provide access to LM Servers automatically (NOIP Authorization).
By clicking the LM Permissions button, you can set access rights to the LM Server for this Account.
Next, in the security settings of the LM Servers to which the viewer will have automatic access, enable NOIP security (Allow NOIP accounts to LM Server).
You can allow access for all NOIP accounts, in the properties of which the option to Provide access to LM Servers automatically (NOIP Authorization) is enabled on the Advanced tab, by using the option Allow NOIP users automatically.
Alternatively, you can select only those accounts who will be allowed automatic access to this LM Server by clicking the NOIP users Permissions button.
If necessary, you can override the access rights for the NOIP account by clicking the Edit user rights button.
Now on the Viewer side, when connecting to NOIP, we specify the name (login+pass) of our account on NOIP.
The Viewer authorization on the LM Server side will be completed automatically.